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Tax Audit Offers Guidance on CP14 Notices from IRS

Whether justified or erroneous, taxpayers should never ignore any notice from the IRS TaxAudit, which remains the most significant representation service in the nation for the relief of tax debts, and audits released tips and instructions to taxpayers who recently got the CP14 Notification from the IRS. The CP14 Notification is an automated letter or bill released by the IRS to notify taxpayers of unpaid taxes and outstanding debts. The national health challenge has had an enormous impact on the IRS that has resulted in more than 20 million backlogged notifications and 11 million unresponsive taxpayer letters that could consist of the payment notification. This has caused taxpayers to receive notifications of payments that might have been already paid, which could result in mental and emotional stress to taxpayers who might feel they might be back in debt.

The director of Tax Services at the TaxAudit, Arnold van Dyk, Esq stated that notifications from the IRS can be very stressful to taxpayers and several TaxAudit members are receiving the CP14 Notification even after clearing their outstanding payments. Even though the IRS is aware that these notifications might have been sent erroneously, it is the responsibility of the taxpayer to fix the situation. He continued that it is not ideal to neglect any notice sent from the IRS, but considering the recent mail backlog, it is recommended to linger until the current situation is resolved if you require an updated payment by mail. TaxAudit is currently working as hard as it can to guarantee that taxpayers are not charged higher or lesser than their appropriate payment in order to prevent future tax debts.

Tips from Tax Audits are:

Don’t neglect the IRS. It is important that Taxpayers carefully evaluate the CP14 Notification and recognize the accuracy of the amount displayed.

For those with uncleared checks, there is a possibility that the IRS is yet to cash your checks. Therefore, you should delay and allow the IRS to cash the checks and complete the processing of your payment. Avoid canceling the check and ensure that the funds available in your account are maintained.

For cleared checks, the issue can be resolved by directly reaching out to the IRS even though it is also important to give the IRS enough time to complete processing your payment.

For outstanding taxes that are yet to be paid, payments should be made to the IRS when due as stated in the notification, or before the due date.

There are other alternatives for those who have difficulty making payments when due. Taxpayers can create a payment plan, installment plan, or apply for a Compromise offer that will determine if the IRS might collect a lower amount than required. Taxpayers can also delay in making payments if it is discovered that financial challenges have affected the payment of the taxpayer.

TaxAudit, with more than 12 million subscribers, helps reduce the tax burden affecting taxpayers by providing tax debt relief assistance and representation for TaxAudit. From the first consultation by phone and assessment, to the right solution, the organization is collaborating with the taxpayer.

Taxpayers seeking assistance or facing difficulty with CP-14 Notice can consult TaxAudit to help them with their specific tax situation, and they can consult a competent tax officer.

Please remember: This is really a short list of suggestions only for taxpayers who cannot pay their taxes and fall in tax debts. Please take time to read about the rules at so that you know the exemptions, deductions, and more that can further lower your tax burden.


TaxAudit is the country's largest representation for tax-payers and small business agencies. The TaxAudit offers TaxDebt Relief Assistance through representation for more than12 million members.

Members will be given tax representation - at an affordable, reasonable price - and relief from the tax debt nightmare. From that first telephone call and assessment up to the absolute best resolution, TaxAudit helps taxpayers.

TaxAudit has its headquarters in Folsom, CA, and wherever taxpayers are based, it offers representative services.


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Tax Audit Offers Guidance on CP14 Notices from IRS

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