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County's Executive Corner: The Brief

In the past few days, I have been able to submit a thorough fiscal plan containing three Resolutions to the County Legislature. Should these Resolutions be signed into law, it will enable us to protect homeowners from exuberant property taxes and employees from layoffs. We are currently seeing some profound numbers on our budget. We need to do everything we can to reduce spending while looking for alternative options to boost revenue. We've been able to attain a certain level of success. Our actions have led us to reduce year-over-year spending by close to $20 million by the end of June.

But in the wake of a predicted revenue fall of $40-50 million, and NYS reducing its state aid and reimbursements by 20%, we are facing very difficult times. If we fold our arms and accept this fiscal situation, it would lead to an increase in property tax, in addition to massive layoffs.

We have a small but efficient organization. Our workforce has seen its size cut down by 21%. That's from 2100 to 1700 since I took this office. Moreover, any layoff at this moment is not a fair reward for employees who have worked all through this pandemic. I will ensure I do everything within my power to prevent any further layoffs.

The first Resolution will finally greenlight the sale of the Sain Building. The proceeds of the sale would be used to offset financial losses inflicted by the coronavirus pandemic. The next Resolution calls for a temporary inclusion of one half of one percent to local sales tax. Visitors to the County will pay a bulk of this. Finally, the last Resolution would push back the 2021 proposed County Budget submission date from October 1 to October 23. This will give us more room to collate the necessary data and make accurate projections for the next budget.

The Resolutions mentioned above are some of the actions taken to protect homeowners and taxpayers from the fiscal challenges inflicted by the coronavirus pandemic. But the temporary sales tax Resolution is our map to ride these storms successfully. The passage of these Resolutions by the County Legislature and NYS Legislature will enable us to get ourselves back and forge a more promising path. We have already spoken with the Legislative leadership and notified them of the importance and need for these Resolutions.

We already have the Legislative Minority on our side, and they agree to support the plan. I thank them for their support.

But their votes and voice alone would not be enough to push forward these Resolutions. I employ your help to convince the majority of members of the Legislature to put these Resolutions on the agenda and vote for them during the next session of the County Legislature.

It is only by working together that we can ride this storm, generate more revenues, and give employees and homeowners something to smile about. Refusing to act now will lead to dire results for taxpayers and employees sooner rather than later.


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County's Executive Corner: The Brief

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